where Supply Chain, Innovation and Technology come together
The digital era for supply chain is well under way.. Technology and supply chain having seemingly become inseparable..
Technologies such as Blockchain, IoT, Big Data, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence are all finding their niche in the whole process of supply chain..
Whether it is in terms of issuing a smart bill of lading to a customer miles away or ensuring quick delivery of mandarins to China, technology has found its place in supply chain and its influence is growing..
Digital freight forwarders are leveraging these technologies and offering instant solutions as required by BCOs and others involved in the industry.. These technologies also seem to have spawned Digital Shipping Lines who are seen as serious competition to the digital freight forwarders..
There have been and are many discussions, arguments, disagreements surrounding these technologies..
But one thing is clear and that is the fact that there needs to be lots of effective and productive discussions about the use of technology, the innovations that has already happened and their future..
If you are interested in such discussions, Microsoft New York Headquarters, 11 Times Square, New York is the place you want to be, on the 19th and 20th of June 2019..
This is where Supply Chain, Innovation, Technology 2019 (SCIT19) is happening..
SCIT19 is a first of its kind global summit for the most obsessively enthusiastic supply chain executives, professionals, academics, entrepreneurs, and investors..
This free summit will bring together the BUILDERS and BUYERS of technological innovations relating to global supply chain to discuss where software-enabled technologies can be applied to create new products to move global supply chain networks into the future given its current and forecasted needs and demands..
SCIT19 will pose questions relating to the future of supply chain, globally, across industries;
What problems remain that need to be solved?What problems have now arisen that we did not anticipate even a decade ago?What is possible with software-enabled technologies?What is necessary? Why?How can intra-industry and inter-industry collaboration between buyers, between builders, and between buyers and builders help make this future a reality?Why is this an important topic, for individuals, for companies, and for countries?
SCIT19 is organised by The Worldwide Supply Chain Federation (#TWSCF).. The Worldwide Supply Chain Federation is the world’s first, largest, and fastest growing grassroots driven network of open and multidisciplinary meetup communities focused on supply chain, technology, and innovation..
Each chapter brings together start-ups, large corporations, small and medium-size businesses, technologists, supply chain professionals, investors, journalists, corporate treasury, regulators, academics, and research and development specialists – for the purpose of helping to navigate the complex, evolving, and changing supply chain landscape..
The group’s founding chapter, The New York Supply Chain Meetup includes nearly 2,000 members and regularly holds programs featuring new and innovative companies who are changing how supply chain works..
New chapters are forming in Charleston, South Carolina; Chicago, Illinois; Bangalore, India; Athens Greece; Vancouver, Canada; and Singapore..
This event will be attended by start-ups from India, UK, Finland, Israel, Nigeria, Denmark, Germany, Italy, and across the US..
“We’re excited to build a global network of communities that nurture, champion, and support the entrepreneurs, innovators, and technologists who are transforming supply chains across the globe,” said Lisa Morales-Hellebo, co-founder of The Worldwide Supply Chain Federation..
During these two days the conference will focus on supply chain innovations featuring top speakers from Maersk, Cargotec, Inflection Point Blockchain Advisors, Blockchain in Transport Alliance, Princeton University & Optimal Dynamics, The Supply Chain Management Institute of the University of San Diego, and more..
The agenda includes panel discussions on innovations and role of technology and demonstrations from future-minded builders of global supply chain innovations in the fields of Logistics, Maritime, Blockchain and Fashion..
Speakers also include leaders from Setlog (Germany); Freightwaves Sonar (USA); Voyage Control (UK); Milaner (Italy/USA); Optimal Dynamics (USA); Fast Application (Italy/Israel); KNL Networks (Finland/Denmark); Kobo360 (Nigeria); Tradeshift (Denmark); and more..
You can download the full agenda here…
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